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The Heirs Of The Prophet Muhammad: And the Roots of the Sunni-Shia Schism


The Prophet Muhammad showed the expression of God to the Middle Easterners. Inside the age of his passing, his adherents - as striking a cast of chivalrous people as history has known - had burst out of Arabia to face the two extraordinary superpowers of the seventh century and set up Islam and another development. 

That the heroes started from the little desert garden networks of focal Arabia gives their experiences, their competitions, their loves, and their accomplishments extra energy and closeness. So that on one hand, THE Beneficiaries OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD is a strutting adventure of desire, a huge accomplishment, benevolent honorability, and blood competition, while on the other it permits us to see a portion of the intricacies of our cutting edge world. 

For inside this fifty-year length of success and domain building, Barnaby Rogerson likewise distinguishes the seeds of disagreement that obliterated the solidarity of Islam and follows the foundations of the break among Sunni and Shia Muslims to the contention of the two people who best knew and adored the Prophet: his cousin and child in-law Ali and his better half Aisha.

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